A Duke University Experiment in 2016 in which a Macaque monkey with a brain-machine interface has learnt to navigate an electric wheelchair towards a bowl containing fresh grapes


Driving To Pick Up Grapes (Plasticity, Prediction & City Brains)

First Published
30th January, 2023
Reading Time
4510 words – 19 minutes

Drive Time

  1. Has artificial intelligence become alchemy?,​ Matthew Hutson Science, 4 May 2018, Vol 360 Issue 6388
  2. ​Toward an Integration of Deep Learning and Neuroscience, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (Vol 10.2016), Marblestone Adam H., Wayne Greg, Kording Konrad P. https://www.frontiersin.org
  3. Toward an Integration of Deep Learning and Neuroscience,​ Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (Vol 10. 2016), Marblestone Adam H., Wayne Greg, Kording Konrad P. https://www.frontiersin.org/
  4. Neuroscience-Inspired Artificial Intelligence​, Demis Hassabis, Dharshan Kumaran, Christopher Summerfield and Matthew Botvinick, Neuron 95, July 19, 2017
  5. A similar impulses is driving advances in ‘Neuromophic Computing’ , where the mimcy of biological efficiency is being integrated into the architecture of chipsets themselves.
  6. Against the smart city (The city is here for you to use)​, Adam Greenfield, 2013”. 
  7. Hangzhou growing ‘smarter’ thanks to AI technology ​-
  8. In China, Alibaba’s data-hungry AI is controlling (and watching) cities​ - Abigail Beall, Wired Magazine, 30th May 2018 - ​https://www.wired.co.uk/article/alibaba-city-brain-artificial-intelligence-china-kuala-lumpur
  9. https://www.alibabacloud.com/et/city
  10. Considering the vast array and complexity of information sources that connected city governance might collect, the current capacity to actually flex it’s muscles remains relatively traditional, ultimately depending on visualising or relaying information to human agents, be they bus drivers or police officers.
  11.  Alibaba Cloud Launches Malaysia City Brain to Enhance City Management,​ https://www.alibabacloud.com
  12. The design of such algorithms is actually becoming yet another potential site of automation through self-optimising frameworks such as Google’s Cloud AutoML and the open-source AutoKeras, which promise to circumnavigating the importance of ‘parameter-tweaking’.
  13. Against the smart city (The city is here for you to use)​, Adam Greenfield, 2013”.
  14. What Shall We Do With Our Brain?​, Catherine Malabou, 2008 Fordham University Press
  15. Federated Learning: Collaborative Machine Learning without Centralized Training Data​ - https://ai.googleblog.com
  16. Neuroplasticity​, Moheb Costandi, MIT Press
  17. Consciousness Explained​ , Daniel C. Dennett, Penguin, 1993
  18. DeepMind and Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust -https://deepmind.com
    /moorfields-eye-hospi tal-nhs-foundation-trust/
  19. http://www.vision-research.eu/index.php?id=874
  20. ​https://structuralneurobiologylab.github.io/SyConn/​ & http://www.neuro.mpg.de
  21. Note the possibly ironic casualty of labour automation in this case being undergraduate neuroscience researchers interested in decoding the brain via accurately tracing it’s neural pathways.
  22. The advances in brain imaging also points towards the analysis of not only direct human-to-machine correspondence beyond into the realm of brain ​interfacing​ through real-time comprehension directly neural signals or activity. This field may currently represent nothing but a well-funded pipe-dream but it is driven by the possibility that this at least computational achievable.
  23. What Shall We Do With Our Brain?,​ Catherine Malabou, 2008 Fordham University Press
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